Friday, January 21, 2011
Kim Richards was checked into rehab by her family following her heated fight with sister Kyle on 'The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills' (Thu., 9PM ET on BRAVO). A week later, she checked herself out.
During the finale of 'Real Housewives of Beverly Hills,' Kyle and Kim Richards started arguing at Taylor's birthday party. Kim left for the comfort of her limo, only to have Kyle join her, whereupon the fight escalated.
"Mom had to die ... and leave this [beep] on my shoulders," Kyle said on the season finale. "You are so sick. My husband has helped you every month and stood by you and taken care of you, OK, like you're his second [beep] wife!"
Kim cowered in the corner of the limo and refused to agree that Kyle had done "everything" for her.
As Adrienne failed to placate either of them, Kyle yelled, "You are a liar ... [and] you are an alcoholic! Yeah, that's right. I've said it now and everybody knows." Kyle stormed out of the limo and concluded, "You are on your own now."
Read More: Kim Richards Entered Rehab After Drunken Fight on 'Real Housewives of Beverly Hills'