Monday, December 27, 2010
NEW YORK - More subway customers than ever now benefit from knowing exactly when their train will arrive as countdown clocks have been activated in 100 stations along MTA New York City Transit’s numbered lines. This milestone exceeds the MTA’s original goal to get 75 stations online by the end of the year. A similar project to activate informational signs continues to progress along the lettered lines as well.
Customers using Manhattan’s Houston Street Station on the No. 1 Line are the latest to receive up-to-the-minute next train information that takes the guesswork out of how long the wait time will be. The ambitious project to install Public Address/Customer Information Screens (PA/CIS), more popularly referred to as Countdown Clocks, in the system’s stations is changing the habits of subway riders every day.
view full post: MTA station countdown clocks reach 100