Tuesday, November 30, 2010

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Read More: Best Cyber Monday Deals 2010 Kindle DX Wireless Reading Device, Free 3G, 9.7″ Display

NEW YORK – Houston Texans wide receiver Andre Johnson and Tennessee Titans cornerback Cortland Finnegan were each fined $25,000 but escaped suspension from the National Football League for their ugly on-field brawl last weekend, an NFL spokesman confirmed on Tuesday.

Johnson and Finnegan were both ejected from Sunday's game, won 20-0 by the Houston Texans, after they began trading blows in the fourth quarter.

"I'm happy that I'm not suspended, but at the same time, I'm not happy about my actions," Johnson told the Texans website (www.houstontexans.com).

Titans coach Jeff Fisher had told reporters after the game that it was an unfortunate incident but Finnegan's actions did not warrant a suspension.
Read More: Andre Johnson and Finnegan fined but not suspended for fighting

Reporter that he'll play the title part in Steven Soderbergh's Liberace, which is set to begin shooting in May or June.
Douglas says he will learn in January if his cancer has been eliminated. Doctors have told him there is an 80-per-cent cure rate.

He says his cancer diagnosis has brought him closer to his 93-year-old father, Kirk Douglas. The two had a strained relationship for many years, but “he really made an effort” after the diagnosis, Douglas says. “He was back here almost 10 days. He came over everyday. He was great.”

Douglas says that when he was growing up, his father was angry and often absent.

“In those key years, when Kirk was doing five movies a year, if we saw him it was only out of his guilt,” Douglas says.

He also acknowledges that he may have repeated that pattern with his own son, Cameron Douglas, 31, who was recently jailed on drug-related charges.

“I'm sure it's not easy, either, being a third generation,” Douglas says. “Kirk was all-consumed, was overworked. Probably like myself at a certain time in my life.”

Douglas also reflects on his recent difficulties with ex-wife Diandra Douglas, whose bid to claim half of his earnings from Wall Street 2: Money Never Sleeps was dismissed in a New York court earlier this month.

He is optimistic about his recovery, and while the disease “certainly has put a little perspective on mortality,” it has also “shown me what family is,” Douglas says. “It showed me a love that I never kn
Read More: Michael Douglas optimistic about recovery, return to work

Pink says she and husband Carey Hart are struggling to decide on baby names.The singer – who recently announced she was pregnant with the couple's first child - admits she and her spouse have different opinions on the moniker for their unborn tot, with the motocross star wanting something traditional while she favours something a bit different.

She said: "We're all over the place. I'm all about meaning, and Carey feels like he had a girl's hair cut and a girl's name, and he doesn't want kids to have a weird name.
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"I have to get him on the boat for originality, so I'm working on him."

However, if their child is a boy, Pink says they have already have one frontrunner – Jameson, as a tribute to family members and their favourite alcoholic beverage.

The singer – whose real name is Alecia Moore - told US TV show Access Hollywood: "My dad's name is James, and my brother's name is Jason. Carey and I are both Irish, Carey's middle name is Jason, and Jameson – we like whiskey. That's a no brainer."

While Pink and her husband are struggling to agree on names, Pink knows he will make a great father because it's something he's wanted for so long.
Read More: Pink's 'no-brainer' name for son

LOS ANGELES -- Michael Douglas is already looking forward to his next film role.The 66-year-old actor, who has been battling throat cancer since August, tells the weekly Hollywood Reporter that he'll play the title part in Steven Soderbergh's "Liberace," which is set to begin shooting in May or June.Douglas says he will learn in January if his cancer has been eliminated. Doctors have told him there is an 80-percent cure rate.

He says his cancer diagnosis has brought him closer to his 93-year-old father, Kirk Douglas. The two had a strained relationship for many years, but "he really made an effort" after the diagnosis, Douglas says. "He was back here almost 10 days. He came over everyday. He was great."

Douglas says that when he was growing up, his father was angry and often absent.

"In those key years, when Kirk was doing five movies a year, if we saw him it was only out of his guilt," Douglas says.

He also acknowledges that he may have repeated that pattern with his own son, Cameron Douglas, 31, who was recently jailed on drug-related charges.
"I'm sure it's not easy, either, being a third generation," Douglas says. "Kirk was all-consumed, was overworked. Probably like myself at a certain time in my life."
Douglas also reflects on his recent difficulties with ex-wife Diandra Douglas, whose bid to claim half of his earnings from "Wall Street 2: Money Never Sleeps" was dismissed in a New York court earlier this month.
He is optimistic about his recovery, and while the disease "certainly has put a little perspective on mortality," it has also "shown me what family is," Douglas says. "It showed me a love that I never knew really existed."
Read More: Douglas optimistic about recovery, return to work

With the news Monday that James Franco and Anne Hathaway would be hosting the Oscars, award savants immediately began speculating on whether it would help or hurt the actors’ own statuette chances. Mr. Franco is a likely nominee for his role as the wounded hiker Aron Ralston in “127 Hours,” a title which could also be milked for the “this awards show is sooo long” jokes (paging Bruce Vilanch!). Ms. Hathaway has a longer shot for playing a lusty Parkinson’s patient in “Love and Other Drugs,” an Edward Zwick dramedy which performed poorly at the box office in its opening weekend.

“Hathaway’s best hope is for a Globe nomination,” Caryn James, a critic for Newsweek, told The Hollywood Reporter. She added that the hosting gig does give the actors, who started out in a quickly canceled teen comedy series (Mr. Franco, “Freaks and Geeks”) and saccharine Disney films (Ms. Hathaway, “The Princess Diaries”) some real Hollywood cred. “This sends a message that Franco and Hathaway are taken seriously in the business — they’re grown-ups! — which can help push them to the front of a race,” she said, “but I don’t think it changes their odds of winning or even getting nominated.”

If they were nominated, Ms. Hathaway and Mr. Franco would not be the first to handle the awkwardness of winning or losing as M.C.s. Sean Hayes did it for the Tony Awards, Neil Patrick Harris and Tom Selleck for the Emmys, and Paul Hogan for the Oscars, in 1987. (Crocodile Dundee made New York Magazine’s list of weirdest Oscar hosts ever, along with Donald Duck and Sir Laurence Olivier). The Vulture folks also give some odds on what bits we’ll likely see from “Francaway,” including a joke about Ms. Hathaway’s nudity in “Love and Other Drugs” (2–1) and a Franco-stoner reference (3–1).

On the red carpet Monday night at the Gotham Independent Film Awards, Ms. Hathaway compared the Oscar assignment to hosting “Saturday Night Live” – naked. Mr. Franco hasn’t commented, but he’s probably off somewhere, watching every Oscars telecast ever and planning a triptych zine/short film/performance art piece about it. Or maybe
Read More: Handicapping the Oscar Hosts’

In our minds, cutie-pie Reese Witherspoon has never aged a day beyond her role as a bubbly, pink-wearing law student in "Legally Blonde"... which is probably a side effect of having seen the movie approximately 3 million times. But according to Reese, the real fun doesn't start until later in life—like, after 30! Gracing the cover of January's Glamour in a sophisticated Burberry dress with flashy leather accents, she opens up about feeling confident, being funny and all the things she likes better than making movies.

At this point, it's standard practice to ask any actress over the age of 25 how she feels about getting "older," what with Hollywood's notorious practice of kicking the less-youthful to the curb. But for Reese, things only get better—and sexier—with age.

"I think as a woman, you get older, you feel more confident in your sexuality," she said. "You’re not as intimidated by it, not as embarrassed by it. Sexuality and femininity is an accumulation of age and wisdom and comfort in your own skin. I feel better—so much better now than I ever did in my twenties. I am calmer; I know who I am. And as a result, I feel much sexier."

And that's especially true when it comes to dealing with the competition in the form of nubile young actresses who'd do anything to steal the spotlight—something Reese said doesn't bother her. She pointed out, "There’s always going to be somebody younger or sexier. That’s why I like to say, and it’s become my famous line, 'Funny doesn’t sag.
Read More: Reese Witherspoon On Staying Relevant In Hollywood: 'Funny Doesn't Sag'

The Newspoll, published in today's Australian newspaper, shows Labor sitting just two points ahead of the Coalition, 51 to 49 per cent in the two-party-preferred vote.

Fairfax's Nielsen/Age poll gives Labor 52 per cent of votes after preferences, over the Coalition's 48 per cent.

It suggests the Greens will get 16 per cent of primary votes and will win Lower House seats for the first time, and predicts the Greens could seize the balance of power in the State Parliament.

The November 27 election is the first time voters will have a say on the Brumby Government, which has been fighting a campaign on two fronts.

Their primary vote has taken a hit from a resurgent Opposition and The Greens, who are eyeing off Labor's inner city heartland.

But the Nielsen poll contains some good news for Mr Brumby, leading the preferred premier stakes on 53 per cent, well ahead of Opposition Leader Ted Baillieu who is sitting on 37 per cent.
Read More: Victorian polls raise prospect of hung parliament

 Did you know smoking cigarettes can cause cancer, along with other varied illnesses that may lead to death? The FDA wasn’t sure if you received the message through it’s already numerous anti-smoking campaigns, so they are adding yet another one. And this one is by far the most ridiculous, not to mention the biggest waste of money yet.

A few of the FDA-proposed warning labels to be placed over 50 percent of all cigarette packs. Photo: FDA
Some advocates of the campaign say it is young teens the graphic ads are really targeting. The same young teens who routinely watch movies and play video games in which people are graphically murdered, bodies are dismembered and murders are hailed as heroes. Teens see much, much worse today than what is going to be printed on the warning labels of cigarette packs. The labels are going to attract teens more than anything. It will undoubtedly become a game. I can just see the teens huddled in a corner of the park saying, “Okay, who has the guy with throat cancer? I’ll trade you a crying baby for it.” These labels go above teenager’s heads. No teen who thinks he is cool for smoking is going to see a picture of a dead body on a cigarette pack and think it can be him. That is too far in the future for a 15-year old to think about.
Read More: Warning: Smoking Kills. Really? I Didn’t Know Tha

Taxes on high-strength beers and lagers are to be increased as part of a drive to encourage responsible drinking, it was announced today.
The additional duty will come into effect from autumn 2011 and will be imposed on beer with a strength above 7.5 per cent alcohol by volume, said Downing Street.

Meanwhile, duties on low-alcohol beers with a strength of 2.8 per cent or less will be reduced.

The amount of the new tax will be officially revealed by Chancellor George Osborne in his Budget next spring.

But it is believed to be equivalent to around an extra £1.50 for a four-pack of super-strength lager.

A four-pack of Tennent's Super Strength Lager (9 per cent) currently costs around £6.

Prime Minister David Cameron's spokesman declined to comment on the size of the levy, but said it was intended to be large enough to influence drinkers' behaviour.

Today's Public Health White Paper makes clear that ministers are determined to tackle the issue of problem drinking.

'We need a new approach to public health, one that directly involves the many influences on our choices,' says the paper, being launched by Health Secretary Andrew Lansley.

'Too many people die too young, spending too long suffering from preventable ill-health, such as through alcohol abuse.

'The failures of policy to date are clear to see, as we have 1.6 million people dependent on alcohol.'
Read More: Tax crackdown on super-strength beers: Binge drinkers targeted with new £1.50 levy

On average, people eat one meal a day outside of the family home, and there is concern that in most cases they are in the dark about the healthiness or otherwise of the food they consume.

As part of the Government’s new “responsibility deal,” ministers believe that rather than being told how to eat, individuals should be empowered to take their own decisions about becoming healthier.

In order to do that, they believe that more information needs to be made available, so that the public have the tools to look after themselves in the absence of the “nanny state”.
Read More: Andrew Lansley: menus should contain calorie counts to help people stay suit

U.S Online News : The Alberta Liberals have released a document that they say outlines the Progressive Conservative government’s plans for greater health care privatization as well as a political strategy for bringing those changes in.

“This shows clear evidence that the government is entertaining notions of private insurance, a two-tiered system, and a move that we believe is going to undermine the very foundations of the Canada Health Act,” said Opposition Liberal Leader David Swann.
Read More: Alberta Liberals drop ‘smoking gun’ on Tory health plans

Michael Buble Wedding Date Set For April 6, 2011-Michael Buble Wedding Date Set For April 6, 2011, The singer will marry Argentine actress Luisana Loreley Lopilato de la Torre on April 6.

“I was going to do it on [April] 29th, but figured I wouldn’t get any press,” the singer said during an appearance on NBC’s The TODAY Show on Monday, referring to the British couple’s wedding day
Read More: Michael Buble Wedding Date Set For April 6, 2011

Paris Hilton & Cy Waits Wedding Holiday Bells-Paris Hilton & Cy Waits Wedding Holiday Bells? Wedding bells may be ringing for heiress Paris Hilton and her current beau, ousted nightclub
manager Cy Waits.

“He’s been ring shopping and trying to find the perfect rock to propose to [Paris] with,” a gum-flipping pal of Cy’s reportedly blabbed this week.

It appears getting pinched for cocaine possession last August was the best thing that ever happened to the couple-turned-co-defendants. And boy did Girlie pick a winner: Cy lost his job as Head of Entertainment at the Wyndham Resorts in Las Vegas after he and Paris was arrested on drug charges during a traffic stop in Sin City over the summer. Waits was even slapped with a charge of DUI after he was deemed to be operating his Cadillac Escalade under the influence of marijuana.
Read More: Paris Hilton & Cy Waits Wedding Holiday Bells

U. S Onlin News : wiss Legend Men s Commander Collection Watch-Swiss Legend Men s Commander Collection Watch: I’ve been racking my brain for the perfect gift for my husband. Of course, being that he has expensive taste and I don’t feel like spending thousands of dollars, I am naturally stumped. Until, of course, I spotted the most amazing deal on Amazon Cyber Monday lineup. You can literally get a $500 Swiss legend Men’s Commander Collection Watch for Men for $50! And the Invicta Men’s watches are on serious markdown too. This is just to good not to miss.

Find out how to score the once-in-a-lifetime-deal after the jump…This is seriously the most amazing cyber monday deal I have ever seen. A 1,000 dollar Swiss Legend Men’s watch for $99!! How is this happening. Get the deals here.
Read More: Swiss Legend Men s Commander Collection Watch

Leslie Nielsen’s life was not an easy life as an actor even though he looked so comic through his character. He got the quality of jumping from comically somber to slapstick. An his film legacy will carry him in memories through whole of his fans memories even after his death. Leslie Nielsen’s two most famous movies Air plan and the The Nacked gun gave his the most famous roles which are being considered the best of his work. Leslie died of pneumonia on Sunday on 29th November in Florida Hospital.
Read More: Leslie Nielsen IN His Movies

Kim Nicki Minaj Diss|Black Friday:Online what’s what is always reporting offer breaking pipeline updates about the impregnable issues of the macrocosm in that the januine sources of internet propaganda media.This tally is about.januine sources,Lil’ Kim Nicki Minaj Diss, sooty Friday, The claws came independent carry forward Friday thanks to Kim released an acid-tongued numerous diss alley targeting her wigged rival, maturing Money’s allow Nicki Minaj.

Dubbed “Black Friday,” the different serves due to a rush to Minaj’s “Roman’s Revenge” an Eminem-assisted modern that fires shots that “allegedly” (Hint, Nudge, Wink) fires shots at the Queens-bred hip-hopster. That popular appears on Nicki’s recently-released debut disc, Pink,Friday. The Killa K’s illumined (again test we relate damnable) verses spill thanks to the expedition of Pharoahe Monch‘s “Simon Says,” and aging vamp Kim — who, at almost 40, is obviously notion the nuisance of losing her tiara seeing a womanliness figure to spare pouty,mouthed femcee — doesn’t postulate tote. Can’t we thorough correct close along?
Read More: Lil’ Kim Nicki Minaj Diss|Black Friday 2010

WikiLeaks release of classified information to be condemned-WikiLeaks release of classified information to be condemned-The United States deeply regrets any disclosure of classified information, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said on Monday in her first comment on the release of State Department cables by whistle-blower website WikiLeaks.
I can say that the United States deeply regrets the disclosure of any information that was intended to be confidential, including private discussions between counterparts or our diplomats’ personal assessments and observations. I want to make clear that our official foreign policy is not set through these messages but here in Washington, she told reporters at a press conference. I want you to know that we are taking aggressive steps to hold responsible those who stole this information. I have directed that specific actions be taken at the State Department. In addition to new security safe guards at the Department of Defense and elsewhere to protect State Department information so this kind of breech cannot and does not ever happen again, Clinton said. Clinton said the release of such documents undermines US efforts to work with other countries but she was confident US relations would “withstand” the challenge posed by the disclosures. The White House, Pentagon and State Department have all said that they are tightening up procedures to ensure that such disclosures do not occur again.
Read More: WikiLeaks release of classified information to be condemned

Monday, November 29, 2010

Finally, a reason not to be cripplingly depressed on a Monday morning: deals! It's Cyber Monday, the yet-to-be Hallmark-approved holiday where online retailers help kick off a season of sales. While most aren't discounting products as low as they did on Black Friday, there are still plenty of savings to be had.

 Full Post: Best Cyber Monday Deals 2010

 The White House ordered tighter security on Monday to prevent leaks like the release of more than 250,000 State Department cables that have embarrassed the U.S. government and some of its allies.

Sunday's release of documents obtained by the whistleblower website WikiLeaks exposed the inner workings of U.S. diplomacy in recent years, including candid assessments of world leaders and disclosures on issues such as Iran's nuclear and missile programs.

U.S. authorities also were conducting a criminal investigation of the leak of classified documents, which WikiLeaks provided to five media groups that published reports on them, the Justice Department said on Monday.

Among the revelations was that Saudi King Abdullah repeatedly urged the United States to attack Iran's nuclear program. The documents cited him as saying: "cut off the head of the snake," according to the Guardian newspaper of Britain.

The New York Times also reported impolitic comments about foreign leaders, including a description of Russian President Dmitry Medvedev, Russia's head of state, as playing "Robin to (Prime Minister Vladimir) Putin's Batman."

The White House, which harshly condemned the release and said the disclosures may endanger U.S. informants abroad, ordered government agencies to tighten procedures for handling classified information.

The new procedures would ensure "that users do not have broader access than is necessary to do their jobs effectively," and would put restrictions on the handling of classified material, according to a directive from the White House Office of Management and Budget released on Monday.
Read More: U.S. to tighten security after WikiLeaks disclosure

Amidst the massive debris of confidential, secret and unclassified information contained within United States diplomatic cables across the world and exposed by WikiLeaks, notable comments on India have begun to emerge, including the U.S. viewing India as a “self-appointed frontrunner” in the race for a permanent seat on the United Nations Security Council.

The whistleblower website headed by Australian Julian Assange had, by Monday evening, put out over 240 out of a quarter of a million communications between State Department officials in Washington and in numerous U.S. diplomatic outposts.

In addition to the reported comment on India’s bid for the UNSC seat, the dispatches published thus far also described a conversation between Abu Dhabi’s Crown Prince Mohammed bin Zayed, and visiting National Defence University President Lieutenant General Michael Dunn.

In the discussion, classified as secret by United Arab Emirates Ambassador Michele Sison, the Crown Prince, dubbed “MbZ,” was described as hinting about Pakistani President Pervez Musharraf’s interest in the UAE obtaining Predator drones from the U.S..

These drones are “hunter-killers,” often armed with Hellfire missiles, as opposed to mere reconnaissance drones, and India has expressed concern in the past that any Pakistani access to such drones could inflame tensions on the border.

According to the cable, during the conversation the Ambassador “asked about MbZ’s visit the week before to Lahore to meet with Pakistani President Musharraf. MbZ chuckled and asked why the U.S. government “always” convinced the Pakistanis to delay news of the capture of senior al-Qaeda operatives such as Abu Faraj al Libbi.”

The cable went on to add that the Crown Prince congratulated Washington for its decision to allow U.S. firms to bid for contracts to provide F-16 combat aircraft and other defence technology to Pakistan, adding that even if “the Indians had and would continue to balk at the decision, the region needed Musharraf to stay strong.”

Further the cable quoted the Crown Prince as saying that the F-16 decision would not tip the military balance between India and Pakistan. “Even if it had, India's strength as a stable democracy would ensure that it would not ever be in as risky a situation as its neighbour,” he said.

The cable then said that “MbZ slapped his knee and said “You will never guess what Musharraf asked me...he asked me whether the UAE had received approval for the Predator!”
Read More: WikiLeaks: Hillary wanted Indians spied over UNSC bid

THE MIDDLE EAST: The Guardian newspaper said some cables showed King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia repeatedly urging the United States to attack Iran to destroy its nuclear program. The newspaper also said officials in Jordan and Bahrain have openly called for Iran's nuclear program to be stopped by any means and that leaders of Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates and Egypt referred to Iran 'as evil,' an 'existential threat' and a power that 'is going to take us to war', 'the paper said. Those documents may prove the trickiest because even though the concerns of the Gulf Arab states are known, their leaders rarely offer such stark appraisals in public.
Read More: A who’s-who of the WikiLeaks allegations

 King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia has repeatedly urged the United States to attack Iran to destroy its nuclear programme, according to leaked US diplomatic cables that describe how other Arab allies have secretly agitated for military action against Tehran.

The revelations, in secret memos from US embassies across the Middle East, expose behind-the-scenes pressures in the scramble to contain the Islamic Republic, which the US, Arab states and Israel suspect is close to acquiring nuclear weapons. Bombing Iranian nuclear facilities has hitherto been viewed as a desperate last resort that could ignite a far wider war.

The Saudi king was recorded as having "frequently exhorted the US to attack Iran to put an end to its nuclear weapons programme", one cable stated. "He told you [Americans] to cut off the head of the snake," the Saudi ambassador to Washington, Adel al-Jubeir said, according to a report on Abdullah's meeting with the US general David Petraeus in April 2008.

The cables also highlight Israel's anxiety to preserve its regional nuclear monopoly, its readiness to go it alone against Iran – and its unstinting attempts to influence American policy. The defence minister, Ehud Barak, estimated in June 2009 that there was a window of "between six and 18 months from now in which stopping Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons might still be viable". After that, Barak said, "any military solution would result in unacceptable collateral damage."

The leaked US cables also reveal that:

• Officials in Jordan and Bahrain have openly called for Iran's nuclear programme to be stopped by any means, including military.

• Leaders in Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates and Egypt referred to Iran as "evil", an "existential threat" and a power that "is going to take us to war".

• Robert Gates, the US defence secretary, warned in February that if diplomatic efforts failed, "we risk nuclear proliferation in the Middle East, war prompted by an Israeli strike, or both".

• Major General Amos Yadlin, Israeli's military intelligence chief, warned last year: "Israel is not in a position to underestimate Iran and be surprised like the US was on 11 September 2001."
Read More: Saudi Arabia urges US attack on Iran to stop nuclear programme

A massive document dump – more than 250,000 U.S diplomatic cables made public Sunday by WikiLeaks – sent shock waves around the globe as the Obama administration coped with the fallout of revelations ranging from stunning to salacious as its policies and methods of dealing with friends and foes were embarrassingly laid bare.
The trove reveals candid assessments of foreign leaders, secret details of the global anti-terrorist campaign and embarrassing details of American diplomats gathering sordid details of the sex lives of foreign leaders.
Canada barely rates a mention, so far. The documents were apparently stolen earlier by someone inside the U.S. government with the security clearance and the computer access to classified files.
Among the revelations in the secret diplomatic messages: America’s close Arab allies have urged it to strike Iran – by bombing nuclear sites and decapitating the ruling Islamic theocracy; cyberwarriors from China’s communist politburo have attacked U.S. government computer networks.
“Cut off the head of the snake," King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia said, referring to Tehran, a call to arms he has repeatedly made to both the Bush and Obama administrations. It was a bellicose call, one echoed by Egyptian and other Arab leaders who regard the rising Iranian power across the gulf as an ``existential threat.”
Read More: WikiLeaks documents send shock waves around the globe

 The disclosure in leaked U.S. cables that Gulf Arab leaders want Washington to destroy Iran's nuclear programme exposes long-hidden views that will kill any chance of detente with Tehran.

From Saudi Arabia, the world's biggest oil exporter, to tiny Bahrain, Gulf Arab rulers revealed a reality they had spent years trying to hide publicly.

The views in the cables released by the WikiLeaks website contrast with the public stance of those Sunni rulers whose statements on their religious rivals in Shi'ite Iran and its nuclear programme have until now been far more conciliatory.

The revelations, however, do confirm the depth of suspicion and hatred of the Shi'ites among Sunni Arab leaders, especially in Saudi Arabia, the leading Sunni power and which regards Iran as an existential threat.

That concern was intensified by the rise of the Shi'ites in Iraq after the U.S.-led invasion of 2003 -- the first time the Shi'ites have controlled an Arab heartland country for nearly a millennium.

For Sunni Gulf rulers, seeing Iraq fall under Shi'ite influence was shocking enough, but the fear of a nuclear Iran is something they find even more alarming.
Read More: Analysis: Wikileaks expose hidden Gulf views on Iran

Online U.S News: KARACHI: The Pakistan People’s Party on Monday suspended the party membership of Naheed Khan after she accused the party leadership of nepotism and cronyism.

Naheed Khan’s membership was suspended on the charge of violating party discipline despite warnings.

Earlier on Sunday, disgruntled PPP activists led by Naheed Khan had accused the party leadership of promoting cronyism and nepotism in the party and the government at the cost of ideologues and ‘true workers’.

The charges were part of a resolution adopted at a ceremony organised by the dissident group in Lahore on Sunday at the residence of Sardar Hur Bukhari to mark the 44th Foundation Day of the party.
Read More: PPP suspends Naheed Khan’s party membership

Cyber Monday is well underway and there are a number of places you can go for the best sales and deals.

Cyber Monday is Black Friday online: numerous retailers offer discounts on purchases made through their websites, offering perks like free shipping and site-wide sales in an attempt to boost spending. According to Comscore, it's working: Cyber Monday was the second highest spending day of 2009, with buyers charging nearly $890 million during the special shopping event.

We've put together a guide to finding details on Cyber Monday sales. Note that some retailers are offering one-day-only discounts, while others are offering a "Cyber Week," with seven days of sales.
Read More: Best Cyber Monday Sales, Deals Online For 2010

wning a VHS tape of "Airplane" was utterly pointless. The disaster-flick spoof played on what seemed like a near-constant basic-cable loop, available to feed the insatiable need for a first grader to hear Leslie Nielsen quip, yet again, that while everyone on his ill-fated flight was served steak or fish, he managed to dine on lasagna.

But there was a certain comfort in knowing that I had access to the movie any time I needed a quick fix. And I needed it often. For me, there was simply nothing else like it. I didn't know movies could do what "Airplane" did. A glue-sniffing, pill-popping air-traffic controller? A little girl who takes her coffee black, just like her men? And what the heck was Kareem Abdul-Jabbar doing there?

"Airplane" is a deeply strange movie, and its strangeness had the effect, even after countless viewings, of keeping the film endlessly surprising. How is that even possible? I knew every line and still it felt like anything could happen at any moment. It never got old.

Nor did Nielsen, so it seemed. He remained almost unfairly frozen in time — with that same white helmet of hair, that same doughy-skinned face he sported in "Airplane," and then later in the "Naked Gun" trilogy. He was a man without a past. It would be decades before I learned of his previous work as a dramatic actor. I knew only what I saw on screen: one of the funniest damn people in the world. And so it was with great sadness that I read of Nielsen's passing on Sunday at the age of 84.

My first encounters with "Naked Gun: From the Files of Police Squad" were a shock to the system. My thinking went something like, "You mean to tell me there's a funnier movie than 'Airplane?' " As Lieutenant Frank Drebin, Nielsen just slayed me. The scenes where he crashes a major league baseball game, impersonating an opera singer named Enrico Pallazzo and then stepping into the role of call-botching home plate umpire remain some of the funniest stuff I've ever seen.At least that's the way I remember it. It's been a while since I've seen a "Naked Gun" flick. For that matter, "Airplane" no longer seems to be on TV constantly. And where that original VHS tape is, I have no idea. But these are movies that are sewn into my pop culture DNA. There's a certain comfort in that.
Read More: Leslie Nielsen: A Fan's Appreciation

Gaga Justin Timberlake, Usher and other celebrities have joined a new campaign called Digital Life Sacrifice on behalf of Keys’ charity, Keep a Child Alive. The entertainers plan to sign off of social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter on Tuesday, which is World AIDS Day. The participants will sign back on when the charity raises $1 million.“It’s really important and super-cool to use mediums that we naturally are on,” Keys said in a phone interview from New York last week.

For the campaign — which also includes Jennifer Hudson, Ryan Seacrest, Kim and Khloe Kardashian, Elijah Wood, Serena Williams, Janelle Monae and Keys’ husband, Swizz Beatz — celebrities have filmed “last tweet and testament” videos and will appear in ads showing them lying in coffins to represent what the campaign calls their digital deaths.

“It’s so important to shock you to the point of waking up,” Keys said. “It’s not that people don’t care or it’s not that people don’t want to do something, it’s that they never thought of it quite like that.”

The campaign, she said, puts the disease in perspective.

“This is such a direct and instantly emotional way and a little sarcastic, you know, of a way to get people to pay attention,” said Keys, who has more than 2.6 million followers on Twitter.

The foundation, which began in 2003, will accept donations through text messages and bar-code technology, which is featured in the charity’s Buy Life campaign. Raised efforts support families affected by HIV/AIDS in Africa and India.
Read More: Keys Lady Gaga to sign off Twitter for charity

 Watch Dexter Season 5 Episode 10-Watch Dexter Season 5 Episode 10 Online – In The Beginning . Just as Dexter discovers a possible ally in the pursuit of Lumen’s former captors, he and Lumen are forced to step down as Homicide uncovers some key evidence linked to one of their prior victims. Debra, who’s been reassigned to the Barrel Girls murders, positively identifies two more suspects in the case.

Watch Dexter Season 5 Episode 10-Watch Dexter Season 5 Episode 10 Online – In The Beginning . Just as Dexter discovers a possible ally in the pursuit of Lumen’s former captors, he and Lumen are forced to step down as Homicide uncovers some key evidence linked to one of their prior victims. Debra, who’s been reassigned to the Barrel Girls murders, positively identifies two more suspects in the case.

What I like on this upcoming episode is the line said by Dexter to Lumen and her response to it which is it will change you… I am already changed.” Things that happens to her really made a monster inside of her that her victims will surely regret. The question is how long this will be? Everything has its end and they are almost about it.

The Dexter season 5 episodes reached the crescendo of thrill last week, as we saw Debra being dangerously close to solving the ‘Barrel Girl’ case. While this scenario has brought Dexter and Lumen close to each other, it poses a huge risk for Lumen.

This is one relationship that’s forming a pivotal point in the latest season of Dexter. It has been riveting right from the moment when it started, as we saw Lumen and Dexter warming up to each other after Dexter nursed her on finding her badly injured in the beginning of this season.
REad MOre: Watch Dexter Season 5 Episode 10

Updates About:-According to the internet media,its all about the latest news,Wikileaks Leak US Nuclear Standoff With Pakistan- Wikileaks documents that flooded the international press with sensational diplomatic secrets laid bare several disclosures about Pakistan.

A dangerous standoff of United States with Pakistan over nuclear fuel is among the revealations.

King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia called President Asif Ali Zardari the greatest obstacle to Pakistan’s progress, according to an online report of New York Times that quoted Wikileaks as saying.

The papers depict the Obama administration struggling to sort out which Pakistanis are trustworthy partners against Al Qaeda.
Read More: Wikileaks Leak US Nuclear Standoff With Pakistan

Spiderman on Broadway:Online erudition is always reporting instance breaking illumination updates about the risky issues of the globe thanks to the januine sources of internet what’s what media.This tally is about.januine sources of internet erudition media, A TV offer owing to Julie Taymor’s Spider-Man musical, shape hang the dusk. Outstanding.

Turn poison the shaded is a jounce musical adumbrate rock-and-roll also lyrics by Bono and The head also a story by Julie Taymor again Glen Berger. The harmonious is based on the Spider-Man comics created by deed Comics.

After in that dilatory mosaic times, the mellifluous began previews on November 28, 2010 at the Foxwoods stagecraft on Broadway, curtain the natural spring nighttime unfolding being January 1
Read More: Spiderman on Broadway

Best Cyber Monday Deals 2010:Online dossier is always reporting advance breaking tip-off updates about the alarming issues of the macrocosm over the januine sources of internet pipeline media.This bill is about.januine sources of internet news media, lifetime some of you expertise count on enjoyed a important piceous Friday alertness at matchless Buy, you average are uninformed that the retailer has some eminent deals on smartphones during Cyber Monday seeing well.

As reported from Phandroid, legitimate has been confirmed that number one concede entrust imitate lagniappe the quite unripe T-Mobile G2 handset for free, considering part of their Cyber Monday sales, conclusion that this ball game is express available online.

The happening is issue to a two-year reconciliation stow away T-Mobile and you would oftentimes treasure trove irrefutable elsewhere over around $200 on engage. Instead, tough consent is offering real over nil whilst stocks persist in. Don’t high hat that the T-Mobile G2 comes tuck away Android 2.2 Froyo, Adobe intention 10.1 also aid in that T-Mobile’s added HSPA+ prestige.
Read More: Best Cyber Monday Deals 2010

Sunday, November 28, 2010

There was a time not so long ago when the effort in constructing the American roster was about as scientific as Joe Fan punching an All-Star ballot. The names made sense. The results didn't, as USA Basketball lost games and its aura of invincibility.

"They learned the hard way," said Richard Jefferson, a member of USA Basketball teams from 2003-04.

Jefferson remembers players just being shuffled through the national team without much rhyme or reason. He must have played with more than 20 teammates during his short stint, he said. Chemistry and continuity were difficult to establish.

"At first they just threw the superstars out there and said, 'OK, we can beat everybody with our talent,'" said Tyson Chandler, the starting USA center at the recent World Championship. "Well, it doesn't always work that way because some superstars can't play with each other. A lot of superstars in our league are used to dominating the ball and controlling the tempo of the game."

Is there a parallel in Miami? Duh. LeBron James, Dwyane Wade and Chris Bosh are franchise talents sharing the same franchise. As the only NBA team that can approach the wattage of previous Team USA offerings, they're learning to share the ball, responsibility and spotlight. The scrutiny is a given.

"We're all critics," LeBron said, echoing a one-time Nike slogan from those bygone Cleveland days.

The pedestrian 9-8 start, punctuated by four losses in their last five games, is weighing on the Heat even if they insist that outside critiquing rolls off their backs. Internally, the strain is beginning to show. Bosh yelled at his teammates during a timeout Saturday in Dallas. Spoelstra and James bumped into each other during another stoppage, with neither budging or acknowledging the jacket-displacing jolt.

"Yeah," Spoelstra said when asked about it. "That's the way it should be."

He spoke about the hurt associated with losing: "Until we feel that pain and accept it enough to make a change these will be the results." An accountability session followed the 11-point loss, as the players closed the locker room for 45 minutes to say what needed to be said.

LeBron, Wade and Bosh were supposed to address the media together when the doors finally opened. LeBron and D-Wade delivered the state of the union, with their 6-foot-11 counterpart noticeably absent. Heat leadership appears to be a two-man job. And for now it's a delicate balancing act between the homegrown BMOC and the (chosen) one who's led everywhere else he's been.

So what's the solution? Chandler believes Miami needs more dirty-work guys willing to do the intangibles -- set picks, d-up, accept their roles, blend. USA Basketball had that this summer, he said, in Kevin Love and Danny Granger. Short of Riley trading for Love and Granger, the mindset of the latest USA squad would also play in Miami.
Read More: Struggling Heat should consider the lessons of Team USA

On Thursday morning, she donned her official sash and crown and hit the parade route with her sister, Ashley.
Looking the part of Miss Congeniality, she signed autographs and flashed a winning smile while her sister asked a parade official which float Miss New York was supposed to ride.
A man with a clipboard pointed them to Float No. 9, where Miss USA was ruling the roost atop the "Pep Rally" float.
There was no lying, because that's bad karma," Reeves said.
"At first, it was just fantastic!" said Reeves, who swanned onto the float as if she belonged there. Fakih "was surprised but happy to see me."
But with the hometown crowd cheering the local beauty a bit too loudly, Reeves wore out her welcome with Fakih's handlers.

"Someone asked me to take off my crown, because Miss USA wasn't wearing her crown," said Reeves, who willingly stuffed her tiara into a backpack.

But she didn't pack away her chutzpah. Still hamming it up, she was kicked to the back of the float five blocks later.
Read More: Why Miss New York crashed Miss USA's Macy's Parade float

Tens of thousands of confidential U.S. government communications spanning several years were published Sunday after being leaked by the whistle-blower website Wikileaks.
Reports on the documents' contents, and in some cases the documents themselves, were posted on the websites of five newspapers around the world -- The New York Times, The Guardian in England, Le Monde in France, Der Spiegel in Germany and El Pais in Spain -- that had prior access to them.

However, WikiLeaks had not posted the documents after saying earlier in the day it was under cyber attack. CNN has not had advanced access to the documents because the company declined to sign a confidentiality agreement with WikiLeaks.

The documents posted include candid and often unfavorable commentaries on foreign leaders, as well as coverage of almost every major issue of recent years. The United States had warned WikiLeaks editor-in-chief Julian Assange that publishing the papers would be illegal and endanger peoples' lives.

White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs condemned the release of secret documents, including diplomatic material.

In a statement Sunday, Gibbs said, in part, that "such disclosures put at risk our diplomats, intelligence professionals, and people around the world who come to the United States for assistance in promoting democracy and open government."

"By releasing stolen and classified documents, Wikileaks has put at risk not only the cause of human rights but also the lives and work of these individuals," Gibbs' statement said. "We condemn in the strongest terms the unauthorized disclosure of classified documents and sensitive national security information."

In its statement on Twitter, Wikileaks said it was experiencing a distributed denial of service (DDOS) attack. That's an effort to make a website unavailable to users, normally by flooding it with requests for data.
Read More: Leaked classified documents lift curtain on U.S. foreign policy

eattle Marathon Is About To Begin : The Seattle Marathon is around the corner by Sunday and as the route does not go by Fremont, you can get an imprint of it on your routine.The race will begin and end over the Seattle Center so your going to have a rush of traffic being divert on the way at the time 6:30am and 3:00pm. Through street map you will be able to see the image of the race course as the downtown tomorrow as routes and roads will be affected
Read More: Seattle Marathon Is About To Begin

The Seattle Marathon is coming to town Sunday and while the route doesn’t go through Fremont, you can expect it to have an impact on your daily routine.

The race begins and ends at Seattle Center so expect to see an increase in traffic diverted our way between 6:30am and 3:00pm.

There will also be periodic usage of the PA system on 5th Avenue near Mercer between 6:30am and 10:30am. Chances are you won’t hear that, but, just in case…
Read More: Seattle Marathon Will Affect Fremont Traffic

A group of soldiers will be among those participating in today's Seattle Marathon.

While serving last year in Baghdad, Iraq, the soldiers participated in the Amica Insurance Seattle Marathon Baghdad Shadow Run. Now the Seattle Marathon Association has joined with Major Mark Piccone, Major Mike Moore and soldiers from Joint Base Lewis McChord to form the Iraq/Afghanistan Remembrance Group.

The running group seeks to honor those who died or were wounded while serving in combat in Iraq or Afghanistan.

Part of the group ran in Saturday's 5K race, and was comprised of wounded warriors who were accompanied by fellow soldiers, and other family members who lost loved ones in battle. More than 49 soldiers are expected to run in the half and full marathons today.
Read More: Soldiers Among Participants in Seattle Marathon

The extended weekend of savings continues with a slew of Cyber Monday deals from retailers like Best Buy. If you couldn't make it out to the stores this weekend, due to traffic, turkey coma, or just good, old fashioned agoraphobia, retailers are rolling out the bargains for the latest consumer holiday.

Best Buy's got a jump on things with a two-day Cyber Monday event. For today (Sunday) and tomorrow, the site is offering all manner of deals on electronics. Check out some of the better deals, after the jump.
Read More: Best Buy Cyber Monday Deals

Cyber Monday ads are out and today is the opportune moment to receive a whale of a deal on the holiday season’s most talked about 3DTVs. You can find massive sales on TVs from retailers like Amazon.com, Best Buy and many more.

If you thought the Black Friday ads were awesome, you definitely will prepare yourself for Cyber Monday ads! The Cyber Monday ads are going to be even lower. Retailers are trying to remove the inventory from the previous year to get electronics for 2010.In consequence they drop the price tag to attract even more shoppers.Bundesliga – Buy Buy Bayern?
“We talked at the hotel, and it was love at first sight.”
Read more on Andreas Evagora / Eurosport via Yahoo! UK & Ireland SportModesto bankruptcy court filings rising at almost twice U.S. rate
About everything that could go wrong did go wrong for Ed Yoho. During the last three years, his wife died of cancer, he lost the job he had held for two decades and he was ripped off by a debt consolidation scam.
Read more: Best Buy Cyber Monday deals Bundesliga

The Notre Dame Fighting Irish (7-5) are likely on their way to the Champs Sports Bowl after defeating the USC Trojans (7-5) yesterday with a final box score of 20-16.
We brought the fight back in the Fighting Irish," Kelly said.
This is Notre Dame's first winning season since 2006That said, the Irish's postseason fate seemed to clear up fairly significantly with the 20-16 win over the Trojans. Asked if anything is near settled with the Irish's bowl fate, Swarbrick flatly said, "Absolutely not."

"For us, right now, we're going to enjoy the victory and we're going to let our athletic director do his job," Irish coach Brian Kelly said. Your team is relying on you, and coach did a great job keeping me focused."

USC's lone touchdown "drive" was a four-play, two-yard sequence after a Rees fumble in which it ultimately punched in a score on a Mitch Mustain quarterback sneak. "My heart dropped," said Irish safety Harrison Smith, who was beat on the play. Said Mustain: "It's part of the game, you drop balls. The absurdity of Notre Dame's bowl situation was underscored by the fact that both Boise State's upset loss to Nevada and a game between two hyphenated Louisiana schools on Saturday (UL-Monroe and UL-Lafayette) actually tinkered with their bowl
Win, and the Irish were logically headed to the Champs Sports Bowl, Dec. 28 in Orlando to play an ACC team.

Now imagine the same scenario with an 8-4 or 9-3 Irish team. Once the Irish play the Champs Sports chip, they cannot return there during the length of the contract, which runs through the 2013 season.
Read More: Champs Sports Bowl

LOS ANGELES -- Once safety Harrison Smith slipped, Notre Dame's last line of defense was hope and prayer as USC wide receiver Ronald Johnson waited all alone at the Irish 15-yard line for a long pass from quarterback Mitch Mustain.

That's when fate moved its huge hand and paved the way for a long-awaited victory Saturday night. Johnson somehow dropped a can of corn that should have been a touchdown, and Smith redeemed himself four plays later with an interception that clinched Notre Dame's 20-16 victory before 85,417 soggy fans at Memorial Coliseum. 'It's about time we got a break,'' Notre Dame coach Brian Kelly said after the Irish ended an eight-game losing streak against USC.

''We had the luck of the Irish and God on our side on that one,'' wide receiver Michael Floyd said. ''That was good luck on our part.''

After USC's Joe Houston kicked a 37-yard field goal to give the Trojans a 16-13 lead with 6:25 to play, Notre Dame's Robert Hughes scored on a five-yard run to cap a seven-play, 77-yard drive for the winning touchdown with 2:23 left.

Hughes rushed for 69 yards on 11 carries, including 36 yards on four carries on the winning drive as Notre Dame (7-5) won its third consecutive game, setting the Irish up for a likely berth in the Champs Sports Bowl on Dec. 28 in Orlando, Fla.
Read More: Irish appear headed for Champs Sports Bowl

 The Internet has added a new holiday shopping tradition: these days, Thanksgiving isn't just followed by Black Friday, but by Cyber Monday, too.
Cyber Monday is Black Friday online: numerous retailers offer discounts on purchases made through their websites, offering perks like free shipping and site-wide sales in an attempt to boost spending. According to Comscore, it's working: Cyber Monday was the second highest spending day of 2009, with buyers charging nearly $890 million during the special shopping event.

We've put together a guide to finding details on Cyber Monday sales. Note that some retailers are offering one-day-only discounts, while others are offering a "Cyber Week," with seven days of sales.
Read More: Cyber Monday Deals 2010: Where To Find Sales

Andy Borowitz seemed destined to become one of the biggest names in Hollywood. But he walked away from that glitz and glamour. And is now merely one of the funniest people in America.
He does a little bit of stand-up. He writes humor books.
But mostly, he is the author of the Borowitz Report.
"It is basically a news site. I do one fake news story a day," he said.
As years go, 2010 has been target-rich for Borowitz's sharp satire.
China to stop spying on its people … will use Facebook instead" was one such story.
Hillary to become vice president; Biden named President of Afghanistan; Karzai traded to Minnesota Vikings."
Christine O'Donnell favors separation of speech and thought."
Somali pirates say they are a subsidiary of Goldman Sachs," another says. "We were functioning as investment bankers, only every day was casual Friday."

Andy also writes for The New Yorker. For example, a drunk Emily Dickinson using her keys to scratch Ralph Waldo Emerson's car door with the words "Waldo Sucks." He's written about 40 pieces."I just know that if something absurd happens in the world, I can reliably wake up the next morning, if not sooner, and Andy Borowitz will have hit it on the head," Remnick said. "So when Sarah Palin signs a contract with Fox, the next morning I can read Andy Borowitz writing about how Sarah Palin will be simulcast in English. And it will be a great piece."

Fifty-two-year old Andy Borowitz has always loved making people laugh, beginning at Shaker Heights High School in Cleveland.
"I was kind of tall and awkward and gawky. I had a big nose. It's hard to imagine that now, if they can just picture it. It doesn't lend itself to becoming the, you know, star of the football team. You wind up doing things like drama," Borowitz said. "I was popular within the group of unpopular kids. I would say I was in the upper 10 percent of the unpopular kids in school."
He was editor of the school newspaper, but he said, "The only thing that was interesting to me was the idea of making up the news."
Read More: Andy Borowitz's Hollywood Escape

Swiss Legend Men S Commander Collection Watch, A of the biggest online retailers in the U.S., Amazon.com has announced its pre Black Friday sale from November 22 to Thanksgiving. The site that led to multiple disciplines, such as online bookstores, music & movies, computer items, video games, electronics, clothing, etc. house has emerged over time as one of the most popular destinations shopping online. On Friday, November 26, the online retailer haveit 2010 Black Friday sales and Cyber Monday sales will be followed Monday, November 29. However, ad full of Amazon Black Friday 2010 sales are not yet published, but preview of fifteen items that are available, which includes pr,Black Friday 2010 sales element Garmin Nuvi 4. 3-Inch Widescreen GPS Navigator: $ 79 (list price: $ 249.99), Kodak mini video camera: $ 49 (list price: $ 99), save 50% on cashmere sweaters, AK Anne Klein Women’s Swarovski Crystal Watch $ 29, 99 (list price and 3.99 list (: Price: $ 70) and the blind side and 19.99). According to the preview of Black Friday 2010, includes articles Ultra Compact Samsung “Touch of Color” Camcorder: $ 99 (list price: $ 199), white gold round diamond earrings: $ 199.99 (list price: $ 799) , Invicta Men’s Multi-Function Watch $ 59.99 (list: $ 395), Logitech Z-2300 Speakers: $ 89.99 (list price: $ 169.99) Flip camcorder UltraHD: $ 99 (list price: $ 149), save up to 50% on select Crayola. Cyber Monday items include Amazon Shoes: 75 Purchase and Get 25% off, purchase and 150, 30% off Swiss Legend Men’s Commander Watch Collection: $ 49.99 (list price: $ 595), Panasonic S50 Camcorder: $ 149 (list price: $ 229) and save 30% – 50% on select Fisher Price toys. Read here for more information on Black Friday 2010 and Black Friday sales 2010.
Read More: Swiss Legend Men S Commander Collection Watc

Amazon has been having their Cyber Monday 2010 deals since last Monday, but the sales seem to be getting better and better as the official Cyber Monday (tomorrow) nears. Check out the Cyber Monday deals going on right now on Amazon, like this Swiss Legend Men’s Commander Collection Watch:
Read More: Cyber Monday 2010: Amazon’s Sales are Huge Right Now!