Thursday, April 21, 2011

 Lindsay Lohan can fuggedabout playing Victoria Gotti on film.
"We are not talking any further about Lindsay playing Victoria," says Marc Fiore, producer of Gotti: Three Generations. "She is no longer being considered. The talks have stopped. We are going to meet with other people [for the role]."
Pakistan News

Thursday, April 7, 2011

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Wednesday, March 23, 2011

 AMES, Iowa — A University of Iowa investigative committee said Wednesday the school should scrap an intense workout that left 13 football players hospitalized, conceding that whatever triggered their injuries remains a mystery.
The five-member panel's report clears the players, trainers and coaches of any wrongdoing, saying similar workouts have been done in the past without any injuries. The January workout, however, led to the 13 football players being diagnosed with rhabdomyolysis, which breaks down muscle cells and discolors urine. All the players were treated and none show any lasting effects.
"We're not able to tell you exactly why it happened," said committee member William Hines, a law professor and dean emeritus at the university's College of Law. "We can speculate ... but that's a mystery that will have to remain unsolved."
University President Sally Mason appointed the committee, which released its findings to the Board of Regents on Wednesday.
The report lists 10 recommendations, including abandoning the strenuous workout, which includes back squats with heavy weights. It also calls for everyone associated with the football program to be educated about rhabdomyolysis.
When members of a team become ill or injured after a strenuous workout, all others on the team should be tested to make sure they're not suffering from a condition, according to the report.
Another recommendation suggests the university address long-term health needs of athletes affected by the Jan. 20 incident, including the possible need for psychological counseling. The report said communication with players, their parents and guardians and the public "were not handled well" in that incident.
Committee members said their investigation found that incidents of rhabomyolysis among student athletes happen more than people realize, but are often unreported
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Pakistan News

 Pittsburgh Steelers backup quarterback Charlie Batch has other things to worry about besides the labor battle with NFL owners.
Brian Bowling of the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review reported on Wednesday that Batch, who filed for bankruptcy in December, could have his Super Bowl rings seized along with several other items of personal property.
 U.S. Bankruptcy Court Judge Jeffery A. Deller lifted an automatic stay on Friday, giving Primerock Real Estate Fund LP the choice to collect on its $820,000 claim against Batch by seizing property he put up as collateral to secure the debt.
The property reportedly includes the two rings, two Super Bowl trophies, his interest in a Munhall house, a 2006 Kawasaki personal watercraft and other sports memorabilia.
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 George Lopez may or may not be a fan of Kirstie Alley's dancing, but he's made clear his feelings on her body.
On "Lopez Tonight" Tuesday night, Lopez reviewed the first episode of the new season of "Dancing with the Stars." Alley, who has famously struggled with her weight, danced a roundly praised cha-cha performance to Cee Lo Green's "Forget You." Without commenting on her technique, Lopez criticized her physique.

"She did a nice job, her little hooves tapping away," Lopez said, comparing Alley to a pig. "Before the show she went to the market, then she had roast beef, and this is her going all the way home," he continued before cutting to a video of a pig squealing, from a recent Geico commercial.
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In an hour-long interview on Google Goes Gaga, the chart-topping singer sat down and fielded questions from the audience and from the host Marissa Mayer. Gaga took the time to answer questions submitted from around the world in an introspective and in-depth fashion.

When asked about meme-of-the-week Rebecca Black, the Fame Monster admitted that although she hasn't seen the 13-year-old singer's "Friday" video, she thinks Black is a genius for following her dreams. Gaga also discussed the upcoming single "Judas" from Born This Way. Gaga will make her directorial debut, helming the "Judas" video with longtime collaborator Laurieann Gibson.
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Justin Bieber and his crew of pranksters decided to pulla fast one on tour mate Willow Smith. As the ten-year-old performed her chart-topping hit "Whip My Hair," Bieber's manager Scooter Braun and swagger coach Ryan Goode ambushed her on stage with brightly colored hair-extensions. Bieber followed moments later, parading around stage with a cowbell.

As far as timing goes, this one could have done better; they missed the chorus (prime hair-whipping time) and instead hit the stage right as the energy dropped. Willow's brother Jaden eventually emerged to pull off some pretty epic whipping-of-his-hair-back-and-forth.

Willow being a proper 21st Century girl, won't let this prank go unanswered, tweeting, "my big brothers Justin and Jaden pranked me on stage tonight...#payback!!!" Revenge is in the air.
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 Working at Playboy (obviously) has its benefits, and last week was a shining example of just that. I was a part of the team that produced Playboy’s All-Star Weekend on Ustream, which included:

    Live video stream from the Bunny House – inside look at house of Playmates across from the mansion
    Live video stream from the Playboy Golf Finals – Playmates, celebrities, 200+ Girls of Playboy Golf and a party on each hole
    Live video stream from a party at the Playboy Mansion – you know

I could mention that it was legitimately hard, stressful work, but then I’d deserve a swift kick to the balls. Here are all of the work-friendly photos I shot behind and in front of the scenes:

Pakistan News

They weren't movie co-stars and they didn't have six kids, but Eddie Fisher and Elizabeth Taylor ignited a scandal that went unrivaled until 2005 when Brad Pitt divorced Jennifer Aniston to take up with his "Mr. and Mrs. Smith" co-star, Angelina Jolie.
It wasn't a shared movie, but a shared tragedy that led Fisher to divorce first wife, Debbie Reynolds, to marry Taylor.
That tragedy was the death in a plane crash of producer Mike Todd, who was Taylor's husband and Fisher's best friend. The two couples were often pictured together in gossip columns and movie magazines.
Fisher comforted the widow. Then, amid sensationalist headlines, Fisher divorced Reynolds, the mother of his two children, and married Taylor in Las Vegas in 1959.
That marriage lasted five years. Taylor dumped Fisher to marry her "Cleopatra" co-star, Richard Burton.
Fisher went on to marry three more times. Taylor had seven husbands in all.
Taylor and Reynolds co-starred in the 2001 TV movie "These Old Broads" with Joan Collins and Shirley MacLaine.
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 WEDNESDAY, March 23 (HealthDay News) -- A new study helps explain how some lung cancers become resistant to targeted drug therapy.
Researchers at the Massachusetts General Hospital Cancer Center analyzed tumor samples from 37 patients with non-small cell lung cancer, the leading cause of cancer death worldwide, and identified two new genetic changes associated with resistance.
Click here to find out more!
They also confirmed resistance-related genetic changes identified in previous studies.
The MGH team also discovered that the cellular nature of some tumors changes in response to treatment and that genetic mutations associated with drug resistance can disappear after treatment is halted.
The findings highlight the importance of monitoring the molecular status of lung cancer tumors throughout the treatment process, the researchers said.
"It is really remarkable how much we oncologists assume about a tumor based on a single biopsy taken at one time, usually the time of diagnosis," lead author Dr. Lecia Sequist said in an MGH news release. "Many cancers can evolve in response to exposure to different therapies over time, and we may be blind to the implications of these changes simply because we haven't been looking for them."
"Our findings suggest that, when feasible, oncogene-driven cancers should be interrogated with repeat biopsies throughout the course of the disease," Sequist said. "Doing so could both contribute to greater understanding of acquired resistance and give caregivers better information about whether resumption of targeted therapy or initiation of a standard therapy would be most appropriate for an individual patient."
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 Kansas City Star Kids safest in rear-facing car seats WTNH CHICAGO (AP) – Children should ride in rear-facing car seats longer, until they are 2 years old instead of 1, according to updated advice from a medical group and a federal agency. The American Academy of Pediatrics and the National Highway Traffic ..
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Pakistan News

 Legendary actress Elizabeth Taylor passed away on Wednesday, leaving behind an unparalleled career in film and public life.
A two time Academy Award winner, for "Butterfield 8" in 1960 and "Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?" in 1966, Taylor starred in a long list of famous films, with her drawing power at its highest in the 1940s-60s. Here's a slideshow of some of her most famous and beloved parts; in the comments, discuss your favorites.
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Pakistan News

 Russell Brand has nothing to hide. It's part of his program, not to mention how he earns his living.
The star British comedian one-time addict has made a career of telling stories of his wild times with drugs and women, adopting a rock star persona in his standup tours and major hosting appearances even as he privately recovered from a tough childhood and twenties lived on the edge. Talking to Details Magazine, he discusses his ongoing recovery from heroin and alcohol addiction, as well as the calming influence of his marriage to Katy Perry.
Eight years sober, Brand plays a recovering eccentric billionaire in the remake of the Dudley Moore classic "Arthur," scheduled for an April release. It's not a role far from home; in his native Britain, he became known for his wild stage shows and two memoirs. He said outrageous things in front of international audiences -- his diss of the Jonas Brothers and, more pointedly, George W. Bush at the 2008 VMAs come to mind in America, though they're just the tip of the iceberg -- and did outrageous things.
Outrageous things that include sticking a Barbie in his rectum, about which he said, "If I remember correctly, I chose the Barbie doll because it represents the oppression of women, the stereotype of femininity, the commercialization of sexuality, blah blah blah."
But it was all an act, he tells the magazine, even if he didn't quite know it at the time.
Now, in recovery, he attends AA meetings three times a week and adheres to a strict program; to go off the program, he insists, is to invite slowly creeping death, first as a haze and then wearily draining into lifelessness, back into his world.
"To me, the gravity is heroin, and then death. You know, to sleep," he said, "that incremental suicide of turning your life into a dream, to make being awake as similar to sleep as possible. Drowsily, lazily, dry-mouth your way through the day's ceremonies, fumble your way back into the dew-bather you never really left, draped in brown, brown now all around, the haze!"
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 Natalie Portman won an Academy Award for her portrayal of a tortured dancer in "Black Swan," but some have called her dancing integrity into question. Benjamin Millepied, Portman's "Black Swan" dance partner and choreographer (not to mention her fiance and the father of her future child), swears that's all nonsense.
Millepied is featured in a new Los Angeles Times article that focuses on both his career in dance and his relationship with Portman. The French-born former dance prodigy personally instructed Portman in her film dancing and even wrote her routine. The accusations are baseless, he says.
"It was so believable, it was fantastic, that beautiful movement quality," he told the paper. "There are articles now talking about her dance double that are making it sound like [Sarah Lane, her body double] did a lot of the work, but really, she just did the footwork, and the fouettés, and one diagonal [phrase] in the studio. Honestly, 85% of that movie is Natalie."
Portman spoke throughout the film's promotion of the tireless work she did in an effort to both perfect her dancing and her dancer's body, saying that at one point, she thought she was going to die.
Millepied revealed how he helped Portman's onscreen dancing seem so graceful; it just took some creative choreographing.
"[I made] things fluid and not too complicated," he said. "By getting more movement going, which in turn added to the camera movement — that is basically what I did. If we had kept things more classical, more restrained, less fluid, it would have been harder to trick the eye."
Portman studied ballet until she was 13 years old, giving her a foundation for her training. The Huffington Post interviewed one of her dancing doubles, Kimberly Prosa, who spoke about what Portman was able to pull off:
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 ERUSALEM — State-run Israel Radio says a woman has died from a bomb blast at a Jerusalem bus stop.
It is the first death from Wednesday's explosion, which also wounded more than 20 other people.
Israeli authorities have blamed Palestinian militants for the blast, the first major attack in Jerusalem in several years.
THIS IS A BREAKING NEWS UPDATE. Check back soon for further information. AP's earlier story is below.
JERUSALEM (AP) – A bomb struck a crowded bus stop in central Jerusalem Wednesday, wounding some 25 people in what authorities said was the first major Palestinian militant attack in the city in several years.
The bombing brought back memories of the second Palestinian uprising last decade, a period in which hundreds of Israelis were killed by suicide bombings in Jerusalem and other major cities.
There was no immediate claim of responsibility, but Israeli police blamed Palestinian militants. The attack comes as tensions have been escalating between the two sides. In recent days, Hamas and other armed groups in the neighboring Gaza Strip have been firing rockets and mortars into Israel, prompting Israeli reprisals.
"We are talking about a terror attack," said police spokesman Micky Rosenfeld.
Israel's public security minister, Yitzhak Aharonovich, told Channel 2 TV that the bomb was about four pounds (one to two kilograms) and was planted in a small bag on the sidewalk. He said security services were on alert for additional attacks.
The 3 p.m. attack occurred near the main entrance to Jerusalem, next to the city's central bus station, an area that is crowded with travelers and passers-by at all hours of the day.
The blast reverberated throughout Jerusalem and blew out the windows of two crowded buses. Rescuers removed bloodied people from the area on stretchers, as sirens from speeding ambulances wailed in the background.
Israel's national rescue service said 25 people were wounded, including four in critical condition. No deaths were reported.
Jerusalem's police chief, Aharon Franco, said there were no firm leads but authorities were investigating a possible link to a small bombing earlier this month that wounded a garbage collector as he removed the device from a trash can.
Meir Hagid, one of the bus drivers, said he heard a loud explosion as he drove by the site, located near the main entrance to Jerusalem and its central bus station.
"I heard the explosion in the bus stop," he said. He halted his vehicle and people got off. He said nobody in his bus was hurt.
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AJDABIYA, Libya -- International airstrikes forced Moammar Gadhafi's forces to withdraw tanks that were besieging a rebel-held western city Wednesday, residents said, while people fleeing a strategic city in the east said the situation was deteriorating amid relentless shelling.
Western diplomats, meanwhile, said an agreement was emerging about NATO would take responsibility for a no-fly zone over Libya after the United States which has effectively commanded the operation until now - reiterated that it was committed to the transition.
NATO warships were to begin patrolling off Libya's coast Wednesday to enforce the U.N. arms embargo.
The international coalition continued airstrikes and patrols aimed at enforcing a no-fly zone and protecting Libyan civilians early Wednesday, but the report that Misrata was targeted could not immediately be confirmed.
U.S. Navy Adm. Samuel J. Locklear, the on-scene commander, said Tuesday the coalition was "considering all options" in response to intelligence showing troops were targeting civilians in the city, 125 miles (200 kilometers) southeast of Tripoli.
A doctor in Misrata said the tanks fled shortly after the airstrikes began around midnight, giving the city a much-needed reprieve after more than a week of attacks and a punishing blockade. The city is inaccessible to human rights monitors or journalists.
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Pakistan News

  50 Cent and Chelsea Handler never confirmed a romantic relationship, but they were spotted together several times and tweeted a teasing pic from bed.
Now 50 explains Chelsea's sex appeal to Vibe without confirming they are an item:
Chelsea is confident. I think confidence is the sexiest thing about a person. She's the kind of person that if you're blessed with the opportunity to hang out with her, you'll enjoy it. I'm not sure you'll look at her and actually want to jump over the table and fuck her, but you might. You would leave after talking with her feeling that she is a cool person."
Chelsea was also indirect when Glamour asked her about 50 in December.
"He came to my show in New Orleans with 15 people, and they take a photo of us and assume that we're a couple," she said. "But he's really cute, and I have to be honest, there's a good chance that I will end up hooking up with a rapper at some point."
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Pakistan News

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

 A daytime landscape without Erica Kane? Say it ain't so! A source close to 'All My Children' has confirmed to our friends at TV Squad that the series is in jeopardy.
ABC could make an announcement regarding the fate of 'All My Children' as soon as today or tomorrow. Despite it being a bigger brand, 'AMC's' sagging ratings has put the series on the chopping block.
If 'AMC' is canceled, ABC could move 'One Life to Live' to California. Deadline notes ABC may replace 'AMC' with a talk show, similar to what CBS did with 'As the World Turns.'
In recent weeks 'AMC' has delivered record lows in Nielsen ratings. According to Deadline, the soap came in last in the key demographic of women 18–49. It was seen by 463,000 viewers in that demo, down 34 percent compared to last year. The series also came in last in total viewers, grabbing 2.32 million. 'One Life to Live' had 2.36 million during the week of March 7.
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Kirstie Alley has been hyping her 'Dancing With the Stars' debut on Twitter, and Monday night she came through, earning the second-highest score in the season premiere (behind actor Ralph Macchio). Kirstie, 60, and her partner Maksim Chmerkovskiy performed a saucy cha-cha to Cee-Lo Green's "Forget You."
"My goal for this cha-cha is to stay upright and on my feet through the entire dance," she told the camera beforehand.
Kirstie managed to do these things and earn raves from the judges.
"It made me feel good," Len Goodman said.
Kirstie is already hard at work practicing next week's routine.
" rest for the wicked..our next dance is QUICK STEP and believe is like the damn BUNNY HOP!! got work really hard on this 1," she tweeted Tuesday.
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 Kendra Wilkinson put her stripper past to work Monday night as she performed a cha cha with partner Louis van Amstel on the season premiere of 'Dancing With the Stars.'
"I'm going to turn all those years of club dancing into elegant ballroom dancing," she said. "[My dance] is hot. Not club hot, but classy hot."
The judges had mixed reviews, with Bruno Tonioli telling Kendra her moves were "not clean." Kendra received a score of 18, each judge giving her a 6.
Watch rival Kirstie Alley's standout performance
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Pakistan News

 Back in September, when her relationship with Justin Bieber was still just being noticed, Selena Gomez was pressed by Ellen DeGeneres about what exactly was going on between the two of them.
"He's little. He's like my little brother," responded Gomez, 18, about Bieber, who turned 17 on March 1.
The singer-actress returned Tuesday to The Ellen DeGeneres Show, and the TV host asks Gomez again, "He's like your little brother? ... What do you have to say now?"
PHOTOS: Justin Bieber's Party Pals
"I don't know. I don't know," replies Gomez, who's been bravely mum about what exactly is going on between her and Bieber.
"Well," presses DeGeneres (who's great at prying about such things), "you were trying to hide it still, right? But now you've made it public."
Suggesting this is more than simply a sibling-like relationship, DeGeneres also says, "You went to the Vanity Fair [Oscar night] party [together] and made me a fool."
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Pakistan News

Faberge Spider Brooch Faberge Black Widow Brooch Faberge Jewelry - I could be wrong on this but I'd wager that if Rick had screwed himself then the show's producers would have made sure to show that fact later in the show. The fact that they didn't is a pretty good reason to accept that Rick and probably the customer as well got something resembling a fair deal.This one caught my attention as well. I know Russian coins and Russian silver better than jewelry but I thought he overpaid. Possibly he took a shot because of the cameras - the advertising value they ad to the value of the stuff he buys and his ability to resell it. I could see someone calling or visiting the store and saying "I want that pin I saw on your show" no matter how overpriced. And even if they don't, look at the number of customers that airing will bring in. Win win for him
view full post:  Faberge Spider Brooch Faberge Black Widow Brooch Faberge Jewelry
Pakistan News

Monday, March 21, 2011

 Faberge Spider Brooch Faberge Black Widow Brooch Faberge Jewelry - I could be wrong on this but I'd wager that if Rick had screwed himself then the show's producers would have made sure to show that fact later in the show. The fact that they didn't is a pretty good reason to accept that Rick and probably the customer as well got something resembling a fair deal.This one caught my attention as well. I know Russian coins and Russian silver better than jewelry but I thought he overpaid. Possibly he took a shot because of the cameras - the advertising value they ad to the value of the stuff he buys and his ability to resell it. I could see someone calling or visiting the store and saying "I want that pin I saw on your show" no matter how overpriced. And even if they don't, look at the number of customers that airing will bring in. Win win for him
view full post:  Faberge Spider Brooch Faberge Black Widow Brooch Faberge Jewelry
Pakistan News

 Google Inc. (GOOG) received questions from the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission in December about earnings in other countries that may have reduced the company’s tax bill, according to regulatory filings released today.

SEC officials asked Google for “disclosures to explain in greater detail the impact on your effective income tax rates and obligations of having proportionally higher earnings in countries where you have lower statutory tax rates,” according to a Dec. 2 letter.

The company responded to the requests for information, the filings show. The SEC said in a Feb. 3 letter that it had completed its review of Google’s filings, and has “no further comments at this time on the specific issues raised.”

Google, owner of the world’s most-popular search engine, has used a strategy that has gained favor among some U.S. companies to reduce taxes. Google cut its income taxes by $3.1 billion over three years by shifting the bulk of foreign profits to Ireland, then the Netherlands and eventually to no-tax Bermuda, according to regulatory filings in the U.S. and abroad.

The tax-cutting strategy, involving a pair of techniques known as the “Double Irish” and the “Dutch Sandwich,” helped cut the company’s income-tax rate to 2.4 percent on the profits it attributed to its foreign subsidiaries during the three-year period, filings show. The statutory corporate income tax rate in the U.S. is 35 percent.

Google rose $15.44 to $576.50 at 4 p.m. New York time on the Nasdaq Stock Market. The shares have declined 2.9 percent this year.
Overseas Profits

U.S. multinational corporations had more than $1 trillion in profits stashed in overseas subsidiaries on which they had paid no U.S. income tax as of the end of 2009, according to data compiled by Bloomberg.
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 SEATTLE — Microsoft Corp. broadened its attack on Google Inc.'s Android software, filing patent infringement lawsuits Monday against Barnes & Noble Inc. and two manufacturers over the Android-based Nook e-reader.

In the complaint filed in U.S. District Court in Seattle, Microsoft said it is seeking triple damages based on willful patent infringement of five patents, plus legal costs and an injunction against further infringement. Microsoft said it also filed a complaint with the International Trade Commission, which has the power to bar imports of infringing products.

Barnes & Noble's Nook and Nook Color devices, which compete with Inc.'s Kindle e-reader and various Sony Corp. devices, are based on Android, system software developed by Google first for smartphones and then for tablet computers. Microsoft also sued Motorola, a maker of Android-based smartphones, for patent infringement in October 2010. Motorola counter-sued in November.

Microsoft's lawsuits don't go after Google directly, but they could still hurt the Web search leader if device makers decide they don't want to pay to license Microsoft's technology or risk a legal tussle with the deep-pocketed software maker.

Microsoft said in the complaint that the Nook e-reader devices and software step on patented technology for showing a webpage's content before loading background images, allowing users to read the page faster. It also pointed to technology around the way "apps," or small programs, indicate the status of a download, and technology for opening a separate window on the screen that makes navigating through content easier.
The other two patents are related to selecting and annotating text in documents.
The suit also named Taiwanese manufacturers Inventec Corp. and Foxconn International Holdings Ltd.
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Pakistan News

 Sure, you want a new phone right now, but carriers and manufacturers have promised some truly spectacular, knock-your-socks-off phones coming to U.S. shelves between now and June. With 4G right around the corner and mobile hardware and software getting better and better, you should take a look at what’s coming down the pike in the next couple of months before you buy.
The first three weeks of the year have seen more than a dozen announcements from top U.S. carriers, and we’re sure to see more at the Mobile World Congress trade show in mid-February. Whether you’re with AT&T, Sprint, T-Mobile, or Verizon Wireless, there’s something exciting on the horizon.
                                                 Top 10 Best Upcoming Cell Phones 2011
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                                             Top 10 Best Upcoming Cell Phones 2011

  * Net Worth : $23 B
    * Age: 53
    * Source: media, inherited
    * Residence: Toronto, Canada
    * Country of citizenship: Canada
    * Education: MA, University of Cambridge; MA, Selwyn College
    * Marital Status: Divorced
    * Children: 3
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Pakistan News

 Dave Says I recently graduated from college, and I think I'd like to get into the real estate business as an agent. I don't have much real world experience, so what can I do to learn and become a great real estate agent?
Congratulations on finishing college. It sounds like you're ready to hit the ground running.
I think the first thing anyone in your situation should do right now is get a first-hand look at the day-to-day life of a really good real estate agent. Find out what someone who sells 100 houses a year does on a daily basis, how they got to where they are, and how long it took them to get to that level in terms of skills, referrals, knowledge and recognition in the marketplace.

You might consider driving to a nearby city - one that's far enough away so that competition won't be a factor - and finding a superstar agent. Tell them your situation, and ask if you could ride around with them for a day or two and pick their brain. Basically, I'm talking about interviewing them and finding out how you can be them when you grow up. Believe me, you'll learn tons about the technology and marketing sides of things, too.

Real estate is probably the perfect example of The Pareto Principle. It states that 80 percent of the people make 20 percent of the money, and 20 percent of the people make 80 percent of the money. Learning as much as you can as quickly as you can is a great first step to making sure that you're in that top 20 percent.

I own a small company, and lots of times I feel like I'm devoting too much time to the business and not spending enough time with my family day to day. How do you find a balance between home and work?

You know, I get asked this question a lot. Truth be told, the idea of everything being in balance on a daily basis is a myth. No one can perfectly juggle all that life has to offer - the spiritual, emotional, financial, home, work, and physical - every single day. It's just not possible. Still, you need to make sure you strive for balance over the scope of time.

I started running a few years ago, and I'm out of balance if I'm training for a marathon because I spend more time training. The same is true with work. There are times when you have to work hard, and occasionally this can bleed over into other things. I think the answer lies in really being into whatever you're doing. Listen and participate in conversations with your kids instead of watching television. Take your spouse out on dates, and turn off the cell phone. When you're with your family, you should really be with them. Then, when you have to work, chances are they won't be mad at you.
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Pakistan News

Sammy Hagar  Sammy Hagar isn't kidding. He says he really was abducted by aliens.
While promoting his new book, Red: My Uncensored Life in Rock, which includes tales of sex, drugs and rock and roll, the former Van Halen singer told MTV all about it.
Hagar, 63, says in his book that it was a dream, in which he was contacted by aliens in the foothills above Fontana, Calif.
But now he's saying, "It was real. [Aliens] were plugged into me. It was a download situation. This was long before computers or any kind of wireless. There weren't even wireless telephones. Looking back now, it was like ... 'They downloaded something into me!' Or they uploaded something from my brain, like an experiment. 'See what this guy knows.'
"That happened. That friggin' happened, I'll tell you right now. Another thing happened when I was about four that I didn't put into the book. One time I saw what I considered to be, well, at the time I thought it was a car with no wheels. We lived out in the country and I saw this thing floating across a field, creating this big dust storm. I threw rocks at it and ... I don't know what happened after that."
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Pakistan News

 KNOXVILLE, Tenn. — Tennessee has fired Bruce Pearl after a season that saw the coach charged with unethical conduct for lying to NCAA investigators during a probe into recruiting, according to a person with knowledge of the decision.
The person spoke with The Associated Press Monday on condition of anonymity because the university has not announced the firing.
In six seasons, Pearl, 51, led the Volunteers to their first No. 1 ranking in 2008 and first NCAA tournament regional finals appearance, missing out on a trip to the 2010 Final Four by a single point.
Pearl acknowledged in a tearful press conference on Sept. 10 that he had given investigators false information when asked about a cookout at his home attended by high school juniors. The NCAA has since charged the Tennessee basketball and football programs with a dozen violations.
After a 75-45 loss to Michigan on Friday in the second round of the NCAA tournament, Pearl said that he planned to be accountable for the mistakes he had made but his "goal and desire is to be the basketball coach at Tennessee next year and for a long time."
Tennessee docked his salary by $1.5 million over five years, banned him from off-campus recruiting for a year and terminated his contract in September. Southeastern Conference Commissioner Mike Slive tacked on an eight-game suspension from conference play.
Athletics director Mike Hamilton and UT-Knoxville Chancellor Jimmy Cheek had voiced support for Pearl after he admitted lying, but last week Hamilton said that Pearl's future would reviewed once the season ended.
Failing to notify Tennessee of another possible recruiting violation that occurred just four days after his tearful press conference may have ultimately caused Pearl to lose the support of his bosses.
Tennessee officials learned from the NCAA in December that Pearl would be charged with a violation of the NCAA's "bump rule" after speaking with a high school junior on a recruiting trip to Georgia on Sept. 14.
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Pakistan News

Big Love Series  A grand finale indeed! After five seasons, HBO's acclaimed family drama Big Love came to an end tonight, and it ended with a bang.
If you haven't watched yet, tune up that TiVo. But if you've watched and you're ready to discuss the Henricksons' final hour, get in here!
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So there you have it: Bill Henrickson dies a martyr, as did Joseph Smith (and Jesus Christ) before him. Was his death (on Easter Sunday, no less!) essential to the empowerment of his family, or would they have found their way together had he lived?
In any case, this episode had a pleasant finality on so many fronts:
 Bill (Bill Paxton) will be with his family into eternity, as he is confirmed as the heavenly father to a new church of devoted Mormons who wish to follow the principle of plural marriage.
    * Barb (Jeanne Tripplehorn) will continue to be the ultimate wife and mother, now leading a flock of believers in the wake of the prophet's death in much the same way she led the Henricksons.
    * Nicki (Chloë Sevigny) learned how to be kind (if just for a moment), and she and Cara Lynn (Cassi Thompson) will make it after all.
    * Margene (Ginnifer Goodwin) has finally found a purpose in life, devoting herself to helping others on missions.
    * Sarah (Amanda Seyfried) and Scott (Aaron Paul) are living happily ever after with a baby.
    * Ben (Douglas Smith) and Heather (Tina Marjorino) are together, perhaps with Heather eventually ending up as Barb to Ben's version of Bill, for better or worse.
Not exactly a happy ending, but surely a satisfying one. What did you guys think of the last hour, and what did you guys think of this series overall? Did Big Love achieve greatness, or did it ultimately fall short of becoming legendary, while certainly expanding our minds and hearts?
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Pakistan News

 Kate Walsh Private Practice' star Kate Walsh opens up in the April issue of More magazine about her nasty divorce, her career and getting older. Walsh, 43, split from her film executive husband Alex Young in late 2008 after just over a year of marriage, and the divorce settlement included ugly provisions such as coin-flipping over disputed furniture. The couple had only dated for seven months before they married.
Here are some excerpts from the More interview; pick up the issue for the whole thing.
On her tabloid divorce:
"Oh my God. The worst thing ever. It was so public, and yet it was so legal-embroiled. You couldn't talk about anything..."
On lessons learned from marriage and a short courtship:
"I've always had the courage thing down, but then I had to develop the rest. I've learned to seek other people's counsel more. That's a good part of growing up."
On not having children:
"I feel like a loser. I would definitely love to be a parent. But I definitely don't think I want to do it on my own. Things are just going to go the way they go... I thought I'd be married and have three or four kids. I always knew I wanted to be an actress, but I think I always wanted a quote-unquote normal life because I had a very untraditional upbringing."
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Pakistan News

 Bruce Vilanch  Bruce Vilanch writes the Oscar jokes. And he swears that James Franco wasn't a punchline.
The longtime Oscar writer spoke with NY Magazine's Vulture blog about the critically panned performance James Franco and Anne Hathaway gave as Oscar hosts, saying that, despite what some may have thought, Franco really did, earnestly, want to host the show. Unfortunately, he wanted to do a lot of other things in earnest, too.
"He has so many balls in the air, he didn't get to town till Thursday before the show on Sunday," Vilanch said. "And so we e-mailed a lot. But we had a lot of meetings. He had a bunch of people who were writing for him, and if it had been him alone, it would have been different. But it was him and Anne Hathaway, and they both had to be serviced. So there was a lot of communication beforehand. But he didn't get there."
How it would have been different, we can't quite be sure. Franco did have a horrible cover version of Cher's "Burlesque," song cut from the show, though that seems like it would have happened co-host or not.
Vilanch said that one of the reasons why he liked Franco for the job was his experience hosting "SNL" and other live productions, and the actor made it clear that he wouldn't be nervous. In fact, he said he didn't care if he hosted the worst Oscar show ever.
That being said, he didn't self sabotage. "I was with him, and he wasn't high. And I asked him, 'Are you high, and can I have some?' And he said no to both," Vilanch said.
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Pakistan News

Saturday, March 19, 2011

it certainly was a relaxing Friday for Katherine Heigl and her husband Josh Kelley, who spent the end of the week soaking up the sun and enjoying the ocean in South Beach.
The happy couple took a dip in the warm waters down in Miami, as Katherine flaunted her famous body in a two-piece black bikini. Kelley, meanwhile, kept things casual in a pair of boardshoarts and a pair of aviator sunglasses. Hey, what else does he need to do … he’s there with Katherine Heigl!
Heigl was perhaps swimming off the stressful news that her supposed-to-be-summer movie, One for the Money, has been bumped from July to June, which is a much less desirable month, box office-wise.
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Pakistan News

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

 Abbie Cornish strips down for GQ and talks about playing Sweet Pea in Zack Snyder's "Sucker Punch," out March 25.
"I'm a vegetarian - I'm not the type to want to go shoot a gun," she tells the magazine. "Then I actually got to the range and totally fell in love with an M4. It was kind of amazing."
Last year Abbie split from Ryan Phillippe as cheating rumors surfaced. Ryan is rumored to be dating Amanda Seyfried now, but an ex-flame, model/actress Alexis Knapp, claims she is pregnant with his child. Read more at GQ
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Pakistan News

"Twilight" star Robert Pattinson is on the cover of Playgirl. So did the hunky Brit take it all off for the magazine? Sadly, (for some fans) no. Pattinson kept his clothes on as he lands on the cover of the UK version of the sexy publication.
Robert Pattinson didn't pose for Playgirl UK. However, he finds himself on the cover of the racy magazine as one of Hollywood's sexiest. According to Hollywood Life, the photos and interviews inside the magazine aren't even new.
It's seem weird to know that Pattinson is on the cover of Playgirl Magazine. But at least he has clothes on. It appears that girlfriend and co-star, Kristen Stewart, is still the only one who gets to see Rob in the buff. However, the magazine does feature some steamy shirtless photos of the actor. It's not likely fans will ever see Rob in the magazine naked. But they can always dream.
Read More; Robert Pattinson is on the Cover of Playgirl Magazine
Pakistan News

 The annual Playboy Sexiest Celebrities list will be unveiled in the magazine's April 2011 "Sex and Music" issue. The list features Playboy's top 27 sexiest celebs of the year, including reality TV stars, film and television actresses, singers and models. Some of the hottest women in Hollywood and around the world are profiled in the Playboy issue, which will likely be a big, big seller.
Kim Kardashian and Halle Berry are just two of the more than two dozen women named to the 2011 Playboy Sexiest Celebrities list. The ladies were reportedly picked because "they exude the radiance of experienced women who remain on top of their game." Well-known actresses, including Natalie Portman, Angelina Jolie and Scarlett Johansson are among the magazine's Sexiest Celebrities for 2011, along with several past Playboy Playmates, including Holly Madison, Kendra Wilkinson and Hope Dworaczyk, the 2010 Playboy Playmate of the year. Pamela Anderson also made the list (she's graced the Playboy cover 13 times, most recently in October 2010).
Read More: Playboy Sexiest Celebrities List for 2011 Includes Kim Kardashian, Halle Berry
Pakistan News

  Sarah Palin’s ratings within the Republican Party are slumping, according to a new Washington Post-ABC News poll, a potentially troubling sign for the former Alaska governor as she weighs whether to enter the 2012 presidential race.For the first time in Post-ABC News polling, fewer than six in 10 Republicans and GOP-leaning independents see Palin in a favorable light, down from a stratospheric 88 percent in the days after the 2008 Republican National Convention and 70 percent as recently as October.
In one sense, the poll still finds Palin near the top of a list of eight potential contenders for the GOP nomination. The former vice presidential candidate scores a 58 percent favorable rating, close to the 61 percent for former Arkansas governor Mike Huckabee and 60 percent for former Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney, and better than the 55 percent that onetime House speaker Newt Gingrich (Ga.) received.
But Palin’s unfavorable numbers are significantly higher than they are for any of these possible competitors. Fully 37 percent of all Republicans and GOP-leaning independents now hold a negative view of her, a new high.
In another first, fewer than 50 percent of Republican-leaning independents — 47 percent — hold favorable views of Palin.
She has given almost no indication of how seriously she is considering a 2012 bid.
Some have suggested that Palin and Huckabee, both of whom work for Fox News Channel, might need to decide before a May 5 presidential debate in South Carolina, which is being sponsored by the network.
It has long been clear that Palin is a polarizing figure amid the overall electorate — she typically receives negative reviews from Democrats — but this poll indicates that she may have a similar effect among some of the voters she would need to win the nomination.
Overall, 17 percent in this sample have “strongly unfavorable” opinions of her (among GOP-leaning independents, the number rises to 28 percent). At the same time, the percentage of Republicans and leaners with “strongly favorable” views is at a new low, 26 percent.
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